Friday 17 October 2014

Most footprints on the sands of time were made by work shoes.

It may be easy to set our footprints on the sands of the sea beach, to place our feet into the already made impressions may be a fun task, but to make one's footprints on the sands of time, one really needs to be born blessed.
There have been several developments brought on by the intellectual, sporting & creative abilities of the man since the creation of this world. The early man made tools to earn his living. His successors brought forth industrial revolution. And now, we believe it's impossible for us to live without  machines. In the field of literature, Shakespeare stands first in the row and is widely acclaimed for his works even centuries after his birth and death!! His contribution to the Eng Lit has made him its God. As Matthew Arnold puts it, he was a man who gained his knowledge himself, had never been to a school, nor was he ever praised by his contemporaries. Still , the man from Stafford is the supremo of English Literature.
Apart from him, we remember Abraham Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Don Bosco, Neil Armstrong, Edmund Hillary, Tenzig Norgay, Graham Bell , Mother Teresa,Mahatma Gandhi,  Newton, APJ Abdul Kalam, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates and several other list holders for doing something which was new in their age.
Its impossible to forget them and their works.
Lincoln abolished slavery in the supreme power USA. The blacks then would have surely thanked God for sending him to the Earth, or at least to the US. Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on moon said that it was a a small step for man but a giant leap for mankind. His achievement was indeed one and space science progressed after this venture. Don Bosco is the beginner of the Don Bosco Foundation which provides shelter , education &earning facilities to several orphans throughout the world.
Scientists Newton , Einstein , Edison have been the greatest people of their centuries. Had Graham Bell not invented telephone, Wright brothers -aeroplane, Charles Babbage-computer and Bill Gates not developed Microsoft, we would have still been off the road to development!!!APJ Abdul Kalam is the Missile Ma of India. Hillary and Norgay scaled the 8848 metres high Mount Everest defying all odds. The courage, enthusiasm and their learning have been the source of inspiration for those who wish to bring about a a change, a development  , a better step towards tomorrow.
Thus most footprints on the sands of time were made by work shoes worn by people who dared to think for a changeand had faith in their own abilities. They respected their own works &themselves. That's why we respect and inspire them today!!

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