Thursday 23 October 2014


Glorious moments are not forever,
They come and we wish they are gone for never.
And when they come to a halt,
They gift us memories and a reason to exalt.
For we remember those people who inspired us forever.

We've lived in your presence,
We have felt your essence.
We 'll remember you for the fun we had,
for the glory and sorrow we shared.

It's difficult to see you go,
It's hard to bid you farewell,
for our lives have come to such a halt,
where u and we will start missing each other a lot!!!

For us, it's not the goodbye that hurts,
but the flashbacks that follow.
But it's our promise to you, dear seniors,
that we'll count your life by smiles , not tears,
and thank God for giving you  as our predecessors.

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