Thursday 7 May 2015


I entered that once green painted school gate as a timid girl,
passed out ten years later as a responsible lass and now 
I pen down my words as a 'PROUD JOSEPHITE'

Those green & yellow painted classes,
Those blackboards filled with good and bad names!
Those "Ma'am, Ma'am" calls when class monitors would be selected!
Auditorium and St Joseph's Hall - the sigh of relief,
as class tests cancelled unexpectedly!!
Those awaited weekly pt periods we'd beg the extra class teacher for,
Those caring and sharing meals we had,
Those history, science & maths lessons to learn which 
we had to turn upside down,
That installation ceremony parade which filled us with vigour,
Those unending talks for which we were called "grannies"!!
That May 1st St Joseph's Day Celebration, a cup of ice cream and its 'CLEANING  SESSIONS'
being the highlights of the day!!

We miss you ST JOSEPH'S, our teachers in our precious memories,
My feelings for my Alma Mater are fathomless
as my words for it are endless!!

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